Historical recipes in the digital age with Elaine Harrington

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Harrington, Elaine
Kernan, Sarah
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UCC Library Podcasts
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Research Projects
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In this episode of the Around the Table Podcast, Sarah Kernan speaks to Elaine Harrington, Special Collections Librarian at University College Cork about Historical Recipes in the Digital Age. This project was created by a partnership between UCC Special Collections and Digital Learning and relied on the contributions of staff and students to shape and analyze the project. From 2020 when access to physical spaces was not guaranteed or was restrictive, UCC Library reimagined how paper 19th-20th century Irish manuscript recipe books were accessed. Special Collections created a new partnership with Digital Learning to reinvigorate student work and internships by creating a Scalar project Historical Recipes in the Digital Age. Students reconsidered what skills were required to read these local manuscript recipe books and visualised connections that would not be so readily identifiable using the original artefact. In addition, staff and students reviewed what successes and challenges were present when working with these manuscript recipe books in a blog post series on The River-side.
Academic libraries , Access , Digital platforms , Historical recipes , Library , Podcast , Rare and unique library collections , Special Collections , Scalar , Teaching and learning spaces , UCC library , University College Cork , Recipes
Harrington, E. and Kernan, S. (2023) 'Historical recipes in the digital age with Elaine Harrington' [podcast]. UCC Library Podcasts, Season 1, Episode 3. Available at: https://recipes.hypotheses.org/21761 (Accessed: 19 July 2023)
© 2023, Elaine Harrington and Sarah Kernan.