“Where are we now?” Assessing the gender equality and diversity journey in Irish screen industries (2016–21)

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Liddy, Susan
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Film and Screen Media, University College Cork
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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After a period of unprecedented change, this article provides a snapshot of the Irish screen production sector in 2021 from the perspective of female practitioners, defined here as those who work in production roles, above and below the line, in the screen industries. Between 2016 and 2021 there has been a shift from an industry that was gender blind and unquestioningly male dominated to one in which industry discourse is imbued with the importance of achieving gender equality, diversity and inclusion. A range of targeted initiatives have been implemented to achieve that goal. The key question in this article is whether and to what extent, in 2021, practitioners are now experiencing concrete change on the ground, in their day-to-day working lives. This was explored by means of a series of interviews and questionnaires in which three themes emerged: “continuity and change”, “resistance and lip service”, and “the road ahead”. Ultimately, practitioners do not identify any seismic shifts in the industry, but most acknowledge that there is greater awareness of gender and diversity, and some limited but welcome change has occurred. There is agreement, too, that change is not fully embedded but is fledging and still finding its way.
Gender , Diversity , Ireland , Screen production , Screen industries , Male resistance
Liddy, S. (2022) '“Where are we now?” Assessing the gender equality and diversity journey in Irish screen industries (2016–21)', Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, 24, pp. 12-31. https://doi.org/10.33178/alpha.24.01