Sustainable engineering management for international development: lessons learned from a new and interdisciplinary MSc programme

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Yin, Xiaojun
Peters, Krijn
Xavier, Patricia
Holness, James
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University College Cork
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Swansea University has developed a Sustainable Engineering Management in International Development Masters course which attempts to pave the way for a new brand of ‘global’ engineers equipped with core engineering skills, complemented by understanding of how engineering both affects and is affected by environmental and social factors/dimensions. Stepping outside of the traditional academic delivery box, the course enrols students with different backgrounds and experiences, with an equal balance of engineers and non-engineers taking theoretical modules, each delivered intensively over a two-week period and structured around real-life projects. The curriculum is centred around transdisciplinary learning using a project-based learning approach with year-long projects in development contexts, following key principles of global service learning. This paper explores the first three years of course delivery, through the lenses of four academics involved in course conception, curriculum design, delivery and development, each from the different perspectives of social science, internationalisation, engineering education and engineering practice.
Engineering education , Sustainability , Transdisciplinary learning , Engineering curricula
Yin, X., Peters, K., Xavier, P. and Holness, J. (2021) ‘Sustainable engineering management for international development: lessons learned from a new and interdisciplinary MSc programme’, EESD2021: Proceedings of the 10th Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference, 'Building Flourishing Communities', University College Cork, Ireland, 14-16 June.