Supporting older people to age well at home: Assessing the potential of care co-operatives in Ireland

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Power, Carol
Crowley, Caroline
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Centre for Co-operative Studies, University College Cork
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Ireland’s population is ageing. Central Statistics Office (2018) projections indicate that between now and 2051, the population in the 70+ age group is likely to more than double to reach 1.2 million. The confluence of an ageing population, a preference to age in place (especially in one’s own home), and a shortage of people willing to work in home care, presents a significant challenge for Irish society. This calls for innovative solutions that foreground care in a reformed care system: one that values and appropriately rewards care work, respects older people’s rights, and supports them to experience the best quality of life possible. In this context, this report focuses particularly on exploring the potential offered by the co-operative model to empower older persons, family carers and professional care workers to co-create high-quality home care within a relational framework.
Ireland , Ageing population , Co-operative model , Home care
Power, C. and Crowley, C. (2024) 'Supporting older people to age well at home: Assessing the potential of care co-operatives in Ireland'. Cork: Centre for Co-operative Studies, University College Cork, 120pp.
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© 2024, the Authors. Published by the Centre for Co-operative Studies, University College Cork.