Synthesis and characterization of layered vanadium oxide nanotubes for rechargeable lithium batteries
Accepted version
McNulty, David
Buckley, D. Noel
O'Dwyer, Colm
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Electrochemical Society
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A range of vanadium oxide nanotubes consisting of scrolled layers of primary amine functionalized xerogel have been produced by a hydrothermal treatment of a xerogel/amine mixture. The nanotubes consist of a hollow core flanked by parallel layers of scrolled vanadium oxide layers. The interlayer spacing is varied on the sub-nm scale by intercalated amines templates of various molecular lengths. High resolution transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction were used to characterize the resulting nanotubes. When the molar ratio of xerogel:amine is 1:2, a maximum yield of nanotubes is produced and the interlayer spacing can be controlled. For a molar ratio of xerogel:amine of 2:1, the product contains a low yield of nanotubes and the corresponding interlayer spacing is independent of the length of the amine template. A comparison of measured interlayer distances with the actual physical length of the primary amine chains shows that interdigitation of the amines occurs.
Nanotubes , Amines , Energy storage , High resolution transmission electron microscopy , Nanostructured materials , Oxides , Vanadium compounds , X ray diffraction , Xerogels , Functionalized , Hollow cores , Hydrothermal treatments , Interlayer distance , Interlayer spacings , Low-yield , Molar ratio , Molecular length , Physical length , Surface bounds , Primary amines , Rechargeable lithium battery , Vanadium oxide layers , Vanadium oxide nanotubes , Vanadium oxides
McNulty, D., Buckley, D. N. and O'Dwyer, C. (2011) 'Synthesis and Characterization of Layered Vanadium Oxide Nanotubes for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries', ECS Transactions, 35(34), pp. 237-245. doi: 10.1149/1.3654222
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