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The tension between discipline and gift: a study of ping pong elite players in China
Zhang, Meilan
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University College Cork
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This dissertation proposes that the tension between discipline and gift of elite players in China can be understood as a multiple perspective of social and historical process resulting from a political and social forces, rather than biological phenomenon.
This dissertation draws from historical sociology, social anthropology and online ethnographical methodologies to critically explore an analysis of the political and social forces that have highlighted the trajectory of institutions on China. A key feature of this research is the identification of institutional approach by employing information and documents that is based on an analysis of original reports on official website and posts on social media. It also along with the archival materials, research papers and special reports.
Historically and politically, the ping pong has been used as a tool to construct a new era in competing games. As a national sport, ping pong has been promoted as a “perfect game” since the 1950s, used to develop competitive sports and improve physical health. The Ping Pong Diplomacy initiative emphasizes the importance of sports in international relations. Sports have been used by many nations to build relationships with other nations as a tool for diplomacy. Ping Pong Diplomacy events have demonstrated how sports can break down barriers between nations and build relationships.
The gift is analysed the tension with disciplinary elite players. The tension is found to be ‘trained’ and to ‘practice’ every day, involving ‘military’ spirit. The finding is following the structural space and time across context of utilisation. Through the body techniques, docile body, self and power, the cultural politics and problematics of identity are also discussed in this research. The analysis is then related back to the disciplinary and gift binary to contribute a critical approach to social theory, methodology, and ethics in sociology and sports of sociology.
The empirical data provides a foundation on which the sports institutional and organisational utilisation in China can be considered in the political context, governance, and social policy. It is also demonstrated by the relationship between party, state, economic evolution, professionalisation, international developments and individual dynamics.
Ping pong history , Ping pong diplomacy , Marcel Mauss , Body techniques , Gift , Disciplined body , Michel Foucualt
Zhang, M. 2023. The tension between discipline and gift: a study of ping pong elite players in China. MPhil Thesis, University College Cork.