Global perspectives on electric vehicle education: part I

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Hayes, John G.
Cao, Yue
Yuan, Xinmei
Suda, Jessica L.
Yang, Xiaofeng
Friebe, Jens
Ogashawara, Osmar
Renie, John P.
Goodarzi, G. A.
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University College Cork
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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In this two-paper set, academics from universities in the Americas, China and Europe discuss educational and pedagogical developments at university level on electric vehicles (EV). EVs, whether battery (BEV), hybrid (HEV) or fuel cell (FCEV), are seen as being a crucial and essential component of sustainable living, and entire industries around the world are evolving to foster the development of electromobility. Thus, university curricula must also adapt. The authors, university by university, investigate the motivations, challenges and adaptations for EV education and the related pedagogy. Aspects of the related curricula are discussed with helpful insights on content and adoption. Challenges and future adaptations are often discussed. Academics from the following universities contribute to the papers, which are presented in two parts in order to cover the topic. Part I: University College Cork (UCC) and US Hybrid (USH), Indiana Institute of Technology (IT), Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), and Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC); Part II: Jilin University (JLU), Oregon State University (OSU), Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), and Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (UFCar). See Part II for the conclusion to this two-paper set.
Electric vehicles (EV) , Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) , Battery electric vehicles (BEV) , Fuel cell electric vehicles (FEV) , Engineering education , Electromobility
Hayes, J. G., Cao, Y., Yuan, X., Suda, J. L., Yang, X., Friebe, J., Ogashawara, O., Renie, J. P. and Goodarzi, G. A. (2021) ‘Global perspectives on electric vehicle education: part I, EESD2021: Proceedings of the 10th Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference, 'Building Flourishing Communities', University College Cork, Ireland, 14-16 June.