Psychometric evidence of the Short Almost Perfect Scale (SAPS) in Brazil

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Lins de Holanda Coelho, Gabriel
Pereira Monteiro, Renan
Vilar, Roosevelt
Hanel, Paul H. P.
Cunha Moizéis, Heloísa Bárbara
Gouveia, Valdiney Veloso
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Perfectionism can be understood as a personality trait that establishes excessively high standards for the performance of individuals and ostensibly critical self-evaluations. It is associated with a range of variables, such as anxiety, suicidal tendencies, depression, and low satisfaction with life. The Short Almost Perfect Scale (SAPS) overcame some limitations of previous measures (e.g., ambiguity, nonnecessary factors). In the present research, we provide psychometric evidence of the adequacy of the SAPS in Brazil. The original two-factor structure was replicated. The items showed good discrimination, level of difficulty, and informativeness for the overall measure. The SAPS also presented acceptable reliability levels, full measurement invariance across participantsâ gender, and partial invariance across countries (Brazil and the United States). Finally, perfectionism was meaningfully associated with personality traits and human values. In sum, our findings suggest that the SAPS is psychometrically adequate for further use in Brazil.
Human values , Perfectionism , Personality , Psychometric properties , Validation
Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., Pereira Monteiro, R., Vilar, R., Hanel, P. H. P., Cunha Moizéis, H. B. and Gouveia, V. V. (2020) 'Psychometric evidence of the Short Almost Perfect Scale (SAPS) in Brazil', Counseling Psychologist, 49(1), pp. 6-32. doi: 10.1177/0011000020949146
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© 2020, the Authors. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications. This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of the following article: Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., Pereira Monteiro, R., Vilar, R., Hanel, P. H. P., Cunha Moizéis, H. B. and Gouveia, V. V. (2020) 'Psychometric evidence of the Short Almost Perfect Scale (SAPS) in Brazil', Counseling Psychologist, 49(1), pp. 6-32. doi: 10.1177/0011000020949146. The final authenticated version is available online at: