Energy transition x energy inclusion: A community energy concept for developing countries

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Manhique, Milagre
Kouta, Raed
Barchiesi, Dominique
O'Regan, Brian
Silva, Fábio
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The concept of community energy has gained acceptance and popularity within academic and scientific communities, in addition to public debate forums. Community energy drives socio-economic transformations, as it places the citizen and the community as the main actors in the entire energy value chain, based on the principle of local and autonomous generation of energy by and for the community. In this article, we analyze the socio-economic impact of community energy as a strategy for energy inclusion and participation in the industrial, socio-economic and human development of communities in developing countries, especially those in sub-Saharan Africa. The community energy model discussed is based on the symbiotic interaction between social strata within local communities, the so-called community energy symbiosis. In addition, it was concluded that the concept of community energy is generally advantageous, but should be implemented by adapting it to each context, as regulation and government support vary significantly, especially in developing nations.
Community energy , Energy inclusion , Energy policy , Energy transition
Manhique, M., Kouta, R., Barchiesi, D., O'Regan, B. and Silva, F. (2022) 'Energy transition x energy inclusion: A community energy concept for developing countries', 2021 IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IHTC), United Kingdom, 2-4 December. doi: 10.1109/IHTC53077.2021.9698969
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