The Cantwell collection

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Ó Doibhlin, Crónán
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Open Book Publishers in association with the Institute of English Studies School of Advanced Study
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The Cantwell collection (with the agreement of Dr Eamonn Cantwell) is an open collection within the Boole Library, University College Cork, and the Library has added a small number of significant titles to the collection since the original gift in 2006. The Collection was first exhibited at the Boole Library, UCC, 24 June-30 July 2003, and it complements other Boole Library collections such as the Cuala Press Collection, and the Dolmen Press Collection of the Yeats scholar and distinguished publisher, Liam Miller. The accompanying catalogue, W. B. Yeats: A Collector's Gift was compiled by Olivia Fitzpatrick and a team of assistants and was available at the exhibition, which opened with the inaugural lecture of the series: see above p. 3. Catalogue details not pertaining to provenance and to be found more generally in Wade, have not been repeated here. A few details of provenance for some items have been added to this list. The provenance of each title was not specifically recorded prior to 2006 unless noted in the UCC Library catalogue record. Errors in A Collector's Gift have been silently corrected.
Cantwell Collection , Eamonn Cantwell , UCC Library , W. B. Yeats' books
Ó Doibhlin, C. (2016) 'The Cantwell collection' In: Warwick Gould (ed.), Essays in Honour of Eammon Cantwell: Yeats Annual No. 20. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2016.
© 2016, Crónán Ó Doibhlin.