Bipolar effects in unipolar junctionless transistors

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Parihar, Mukta Singh
Ghosh, Dipankar
Armstrong, G. Alastair
Yu, Ran
Razavi, Pedram
Kranti, Abhinav
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In this work, we analyze hysteresis and bipolar effects in unipolar junctionless transistors. A change in subthreshold drain current by 5 orders of magnitude is demonstrated at a drain voltage of 2.25 V in silicon junctionless transistor. Contrary to the conventional theory, increasing gate oxide thickness results in (i) a reduction of subthreshold slope (S-slope) and (ii) an increase in drain current, due to bipolar effects. The high sensitivity to film thickness in junctionless devices will be most crucial factor in achieving steep transition from ON to OFF state. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. (
Soi transistors , Silicon , Mosfets , Ionization , MOSFETs , Electrons , Carrier generation , Silicon
Parihar, M. S., Ghosh, D., Armstrong, G. A., Yu, R., Razavi, P. and Kranti, A. (2012) 'Bipolar effects in unipolar junctionless transistors', Applied Physics Letters, 101(9), pp. 093507. doi: 10.1063/1.4748909
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© 2012 American Institute of Physics.This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article appeared in Parihar, M. S., Ghosh, D., Armstrong, G. A., Yu, R., Razavi, P. and Kranti, A. (2012) 'Bipolar effects in unipolar junctionless transistors', Applied Physics Letters, 101(9), pp. 093507 and may be found at