On-chip investigation of phase noise in monolithically integrated gain-switched lasers

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Alexander, Justin K.
Morrissey, Padraic E.
Caro, Ludovic
Dernaika, Mohamad
Kelly, Niall P.
Peters, Frank H.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
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Phase noise in gain-switched lasers is investigated theoretically using the semiconductor laser rate equations and compared with the experimental results from monolithically integrated devices. The phase noise of a gain-switched laser is modelled both with and without injection-locking using the rate equations for a single-mode laser. Phase noise is found to increase with gain-switching, and decrease when injection-locked to a master laser. This trend is then observed experimentally on-chip with monolithically integrated devices without the use of an isolator.
Integrated optoelectronics , Laser modes , Laser noise , Phase noise , Semiconductor lasers , Master laser , Monolithically integrated gain-switched lasers , On-chip investigation , Semiconductor laser rate equations , Single-mode laser , Laser theory , Mathematical model , Measurement by laser beam , Optical recording , Numerical simulation , Optoelectronic devices
Alexander, J. K., Morrissey, P. E., Caro, L., Dernaika, M., Kelly, N. P. and Peters, F. H. (2017) 'On-chip investigation of phase noise in monolithically integrated gain-switched lasers', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(9), pp. 731-734. doi:10.1109/LPT.2017.2682560
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