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Otras miradas: representations of gender violence in contemporary Mexican visual culture (2001-2011)
Clifford, Emer
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University College Cork
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This doctoral thesis presents a critical analysis of visual responses to gender-based violence in contemporary Mexican culture, with the aim of identifying how new forms of narrative can engender ‘ethical visibilización’ of gender-based violence, through instigating ‘otras miradas’, or other ways and modes of spectating and witnessing violence. Central to this investigation are three individual artworks by three Mexican artists, created at different intervals over a particularly violent ten year period (2001-2011). They are as follows: Maryse Sistach’s neorealist auteur film, Perfume de violetas: nadie te ve (2001); Rodrigo Cruz’s multimedia project, Violencia en contra de las mujeres (2006); and Yamina del Real’s tableau photography exhibition, “El cuerpo deshabitado... o En busca del cuerpo perdido” (2011). This thesis subsequently examines how the visual narratives created by these contemporary artists, counter dominant sensationalistic and hyper-violent representations of gender violence, which otherwise exploit victims and commodify violence. Drawing on Ann E Kaplan’s theory of trauma culture, as well as insights from across a broad range of disciplines, it will be argued how each visual artist independently fashions an active audience through their respective processes of ethical or anti-Othering and incitement of intellectual spectatorship. In so doing, they facilitate a re-imagining, and re-presentation of gender violence in Mexican visual culture, which ultimately forms a wider political narrative of ‘ethical visibilización’ of the processes and consequences of gender violence.
Mexico , Gender violence , Otras miradas , Ethical visibilización , Maryse Sistach , Rodrigo Cruz , Yamina del Real , Perfume de violetas , Violencia en contra de las mujeres , El cuerpo deshabitado , En busca del cuerpo perdido , El cuerpo deshabitado...o En busca del cuerpo perdido , Ann Kaplan , Witnessing , Trauma , Julia Kristeva , Abjection , Abject , Liminal , Rape , Sexual violence , Ciudad Juárez , Juárez , Indigenous , Jean E Jackson , Jean Jackson , Elaine Scarry , Film , Othering , Justicia por una vida sin violencia , Nuala Finnegan , Alicia Gaspar de Alba , Mia Kirshner , Barbie dolls , Corporeality , Social stratification , Henry Giroux , Abriendo escuelas para la equidad , Guerrero , Feminicidio , Feminicide , Femicide , Eating disorder , Self-harm , Suicide , Chronic pain , Body in pain , Witness , Ethical spectatorship , Ethical spectator , Modes of spectating violence , Modes of witnessing violence , Gender-based violence , Violence against women , Multimedia , Intermedia , Intermedial , Documentary photography , Photography , Tableau photography , Performance , Music , Self-portrait photography , Auteur film , Counter violent images , Counter hyper-violent images , Creative practitioners , Artists , Ehical othering , Anti-othering , Intellectual spectatorship , Visual culture , Other gazes , New ways of looking , New ways of seeing , Oral testimony , Testimonio , The body , Site of resistance , Symbolic violence , Social violence , Systemic violence , Symbolic representation of violence , Pain , Structural violence , Strategic essentialism , Nude , Self-directed violence , Reciprocal violence , Secondary victimisation , Las desaparecidas , Juxtaposition , Shoes , Artivists , Ethical consumption of images , Viewer reception , Voyeurism , Resilience , Entrapment , Active spectatorship , Social exclusion , Institutional violence , Ethical consumption of violence , Crosscurrent , Form and mode , The transient body , Scopophilia , Challenging scopophilia , Body dissatisfaction , Music and emotion , Everydayness , Representation , Corporeal storytelling , Absent body , Vicarious trauma , Empty empathy , Pro-social benefit , Lived body , Lived body experience , Transcend trauma , Rape culture , Public pedagogy , Crisis of violence , Experimentation with form , Contemporary Mexican visual culture
Clifford, E. 2019. Otras miradas: representations of gender violence in contemporary Mexican visual culture (2001-2011). PhD Thesis, University College Cork.