Factors associated with deliberate self-harm among Irish adolescents

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McMahon, Elaine M.
Reulbach, Udo
Corcoran, Paul
Keeley, Helen S.
Perry, Ivan J.
Arensman, Ella
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Cambridge University Press
Research Projects
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Background. Deliberate self-harm (DSH) is a major public health problem, with young people most at risk. Lifetime prevalence of DSH in Irish adolescents is between 8% and 12%, and it is three times more prevalent among girls than boys. The aim of the study was to identify the psychological, lifestyle and life event factors associated with self-harm in Irish adolescents. Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted, with 3,881 adolescents in 39 schools completing an anonymous questionnaire as part of the Child and Adolescent Self-harm in Europe (CASE) study. There was an equal gender balance and 53.1% of students were 16 years old. Information was obtained on history of self-harm life events, and demographic, psychological and lifestyle factors. Results. Based on multi-variate analyses, important factors associated with DSH among both genders were drug use and knowing a friend who had engaged in self-harm. Among girls, poor self-esteem, forced sexual activity, self-harm of a family member, fights with parents and problems with friendships also remained in the final model. For boys, experiencing bullying, problems with schoolwork, impulsivity, and anxiety remained. Conclusions. Distinct profiles of boys and girls who engage in self-harm were identified. Associations between DSH and some lifestyle and life event factors suggest that mental health factors are not the sole indicators of risk of self-harm. The importance of school-related risk factors underline the need to develop gender-specific initiatives in schools to reduce the prevalence of self-harm.
Deliberate self-harm (DSH) , Adolescence , Child and Adolescent Self-harm in Europe (CASE) Study , Ireland , Gender differences , School-based study
E. M. McMahon, U. Reulbach, P. Corcoran, H. S. Keeley, I. J. Perry and E. Arensman (2010). Factors associated with deliberate selfharm among Irish adolescents. Psychological Medicine, 40 (11), pp 1811-1819. doi:10.1017/S0033291709992145
Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2010