Big data: lessons for employers and employees

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Jeske, Debora
Calvard, Thomas
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Emerald Publishing Limited
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Purpose: The focus of the current article is to critically reflect on the pros and cons of using employee information in big data projects. Approach: The authors reviewed papers in the area of big data that have immediate repercussions for the experiences of employees and employers. Findings: The review of papers to date suggests that big data lessons based on employee data are still a relatively unknown area of employment literature. Particular attention is paid to discussion of employee rights, ethics, expectations, and the implications employer conduct has on employment relationships and prospective benefits of big data analytics at work for work. Originality/value: This viewpoint article highlights the need for more discussion between employees and employers about the collection, use, storage and ownership of data in the workplace. A number of recommendations are put forward to support future data collection efforts in organisations.
Big data , Consent , Data analytics , Employment , Education , Ethics
Jeske, D. and Calvard, T. (2020) ‘Big data: lessons for employers and employees’, Employee Relations, 42(1), pp. 248-261. doi: 10.1108/ER-06-2018-0159
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