A smart wireless inertial measurement unit system: simplifying & encouraging usage of WIMU technology
Accepted Version
Gaffney, Mark
Walsh, Michael
O'Connell, Seán
Wang, Binyu
O'Flynn, Brendan
Ó Mathúna, S. Cian
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Wireless Inertial Measurement Units (WIMUs) combine motion sensing, processing & communications functionsin a single device. Data gathered using these sensors has the potential to be converted into high quality motion data. By outfitting a subject with multiple WIMUs full motion data can begathered. With a potential cost of ownership several orders of magnitude less than traditional camera based motion capture, WIMU systems have potential to be crucially important in supplementing or replacing traditional motion capture and opening up entirely new application areas and potential markets particularly in the rehabilitative, sports & at-home healthcarespaces. Currently WIMUs are underutilized in these areas. A major barrier to adoption is perceived complexity. Sample rates, sensor types & dynamic sensor ranges may need to be adjusted on multiple axes for each device depending on the scenario. As such we present an advanced WIMU in conjunction with a Smart WIMU system to simplify this aspect with 3 usage modes: Manual, Intelligent and Autonomous. Attendees will be able to compare the 3 different modes and see the effects of good andbad set-ups on the quality of data gathered in real time.
Inertial measurement , Ubiquitous computing , Intelligent embedded sensor , Wireless inertial measurement unit (WIMU)
Gaffney, M.; Walsh, M.; O'Connell, S.; Binyu Wang; O'Flynn, B.; O’Mathuna, C.; , "A smart wireless inertial measurement unit system: Simplifying & encouraging usage of WIMU technology," Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2011 5th International Conference on , pp.198-199, 23-26 May 2011
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6038790&isnumber=6038756
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