A novel first responders location tracking system: Architecture and functional requirements

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Tedesco, Salvatore
Khodjaev, Jasurbek
O'Flynn, Brendan
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The aim of the SAFESENS (Sensor Technologies for Enhanced Safety and Security of Buildings and its Occupants) project is to obtain earlier and more reliable fire detection, along with accurate occupancy detection and first responders' health condition and indoor location monitoring. In this paper, an analysis of the requirements requested by the tracking system is shown, together with an overview of the exploitable technologies and the current state-of-the-art. A novel system architecture, mainly based on UWB, inertial sensors, barometer and Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE), is proposed also showing some preliminary results regarding the chosen technologies. The final system will be shown in several real-case applications on successful completion of the project.
Ultra-wideband , Inertial sensors , Localization , Firefighters , Monitoring , Heating , Radio frequency , Robustness , Buildings , Tracking , Condition monitoring , Inertial systems , Sensors , Ultra wideband technology
Tedesco, S., Khodjaev, J. and O'Flynn, B. (2015) 'A novel first responders location tracking system: Architecture and functional requirements', IEEE Mediterrenean Microwave Symposium, Lecce, Italy, 30 Nov - 2 December. doi: 10.1109/MMS.2015.7375416
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