Analysis of P-b centers at the Si(111)/SiO2 interface following rapid thermal annealing
Published Version
Hurley, Paul K.
Stesmans, A.
Afanas'ev, V. V.
O'Sullivan, B. J.
O'Callaghan, E.
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AIP Publishing
Published Version
In this work, an experimental study of defects at the Si(111)/SiO2 interface following rapid thermal annealing (RTA) in a nitrogen ambient at 1040 degreesC is presented. From a combined analysis using electron spin resonance and quasistatic capacitance-voltage characterization, the dominant defects observed at the Si(111)/SiO2 interface following an inert ambient RTA process are identified unequivocally as the P-b signal (interfacial Si-3=Si-.) for the oxidized Si(111) orientation. Furthermore, the P-b density inferred from electron spin resonance (7.8+/-1)x10(12) cm(-2), is in good agreement with the electrically active interface state density (6.7+/-1.7)x10(12) cm(-2) determined from analysis of the quasistatic capacitance-voltage response.
Electron-spin-resonance , Si(100)-Sio2 interface , Si/Sio2 interface , Doped Si , Silicon , Oxide , Oxidation , Defects , States , Traps , Semiconductor device fabrication , Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy , Thermal analysis , Oxidation
Hurley, P. K., Stesmans, A., Afanas’ev, V. V., O’Sullivan, B. J. and O’Callaghan, E. (2003) 'Analysis of Pb centers at the Si(111)/SiO2 interface following rapid thermal annealing', Journal of Applied Physics, 93(7), pp. 3971-3973. doi: 10.1063/1.1559428
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© 2003 American Institute of Physics, This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article appeared in Hurley, P. K., Stesmans, A., Afanas’ev, V. V., O’Sullivan, B. J. and O’Callaghan, E. (2003) 'Analysis of Pb centers at the Si(111)/SiO2 interface following rapid thermal annealing', Journal of Applied Physics, 93(7), pp. 3971-3973 and may be found at