Spain in translation: a study of Spanish fiction in English translation 2000-2015
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McWhinney, Edward
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University College Cork
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In this thesis I look at translation of Spanish fiction from the Iberian Peninsula into English in the twenty-first century (focusing on the years 2000–2015). My aim is to investigate the principal trends in the contemporary translation of Spanish fiction into English, exploring how these interact with previous channels of reception, whilst also examining the role and status of translators in the contemporary book market, and translational stylistics. Having established and analysed the principal trends in my database of texts, authors, translators and publishers, I will focus on issues of reception – how Spanish fiction is received in the UK and Irish literary marketplace, drawing on publishers’ paratexts and critical reviews. Analysing the most active authors between 2000-2015 from Spain in English translation I will triangulate the data shown from these diverse sources with stylistic analysis of a sample from each category, to ascertain which translation norms and strategies are prevalent in each group.
Spanish , Translation studies , Fiction , Literature , Critical reception , Stylistic analysis
McWhinney, E. 2020. Spain in translation: a study of Spanish fiction in English translation 2000-2015. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.