A 10Gbps optical burst switching network incorporating ultra-fast (5ns) wavelength switched tunable laser sources
Published Version
Ryan, Neil
Todd, Michael
Farrell, Tom
Lavin, Adrian
Rigole, Pierre-Jean
Corbett, Brian M.
Roycroft, Brendan
Engelstaedter, Jan-Peter
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This paper outlines the development of a prototype optical burst mode switching network based upon a star topology, the ultimate application of which could be as a transparent payload processor onboard satellite repeaters. The network architecture incorporates multiple tunable laser sources, burst mode receivers and a passive optical router (Arrayed Waveguide Grating). Each tunable optical signal should carry ≥10Gbps and be capable of wavelength switching in c. 5ns timescales. Two monolithic tunable laser types, based upon different technologies, will be utilised: a Slotted Fabry Perot laser (a Fabry Perot laser with slots added in order to introduce controlled cavity perturbations); and a Modulated Grating Y-Branch Laser (MGY: a widely tunable, multi-section device similar to the DBR laser). While the Slotted Fabry Perot laser is expected to achieve the required switching times, it is an immature technology not yet capable of achieving tunability over 80 ITU channels from a single chip. The MGY device is a more mature technology and has full C-band ITU channel coverage, but is not capable of the required short switching times. Hence, in order to facilitate the integration of this more mature technology into the prototype breadboard with the requisite switching time capabilities, a system of ‘dual laser’ transmitters is being developed to enable data transmission from one MGY laser while the other switches and vice-versa. This work is being performed under ESA contract AO 1-5025/06/NL/PM, Optical Technologies for Ultra - fast Processing.
Switching , Tunable lasers , Clocks , Laser applications , Switches , Reflectors , Modulation , Ultrafast phenomena , Transmitters , Channel projecting optics
Ryan, N., Todd, M., Farrell, T., Lavin, A., Rigole, P.-J., Corbett, B., Roycroft, B. and Engelstaedter, J.-P. 'A 10Gbps optical burst switching network incorporating ultra-fast (5ns) wavelength switched tunable laser sources', SPIE Proceedings Volume 10566, International Conference on Space Optics 2008, 1056616 (9pp). doi: 10.1117/12.2308209
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