Impact of metal hybridization on contact resistance and leakage current of carbon nanotube transistors

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Su, Sheng-Kai
Sanchez-Soares, Alfonso
Chen, Edward
Kelly, Thomas
Fagas, Giorgos
Greer, James C.
Pitner, Gregory
Wong, H.-S. Philip
Radu, Iuliana P.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
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Carbon nanotube field effect transistors (CNFETs) have potential applications in future logic technology as they display good electrostatic control and excellent transport properties. However, contact resistance and leakage currents could limit scaling of CNFETs. Non-equilibrium Greenâ s function (NEGF) simulation investigates that coupling between contact metal and CNT impacts both contact resistance and leakage current. The physical mechanisms underlying the effects are analyzed. A model with calibrated metal coupling strength from experimental data projects ION-IOFF design space to understand the trade-off between shrinking contact and extension lengths. For CNT with diameter of 1 nm, both contact and extension lengths greater than 8 nm are a good compromise between ION and IOFF for digital logic in advanced technology nodes.
Carbon nanotube (CNT) , CMOS scaling , Contact resistance, , Leakage current , Metal hybridization
Su, S.-K., Sanchez-Soares, A., Chen, E., Kelly, T., Fagas, G., Greer, J. C., Pitner, G., Wong, H.-S. P. and Radu, I. P. (2022) 'Impact of metal hybridization on contact resistance and leakage current of carbon nanotube transistors', IEEE Electron Device Letters. doi: 10.1109/LED.2022.3185991
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