Dynamic property investigation of optical burst injection locking lasers
Accepted Version
Tang, Jin
Chen, Lian-Kuan
Zhao, Jian
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
The dynamic properties of DFB- and DML-based injection lock lasers are investigated by analyzing the instantaneous frequency of the master and slave lasers' beat signal. Around 10~20 ns locking time is measured by burst signal injection and a large injection ratio leads to longer unlocking time.
Distributed feedback lasers , Laser mode locking , Semiconductor lasers , Instantaneous frequency , Burst signal injection , Injection ratio , Optical burst injection locking lasers , DFB-based injection lock lasers , DML-based injection lock lasers , Master laser beat signal , Slave laser beat signal , Locking time , Time 20.0 ns , Phase measurement , Lasers , Injection Locking
Tang, J., Chen, L.-K. and Zhao, J. (2017) 'Dynamic property investigation of optical burst injection locking lasers', 2017 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, Singapore, Singapore, 31 July-4 August. doi:10.1109/CLEOPR.2017.8118760
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