Scaffold-based delivery of nucleic acid therapeutics for enhanced bone and cartilage repair
Accepted version
Kelly, Domhnall C.
Raftery, Rosanne M.
Curtin, Caroline M.
O'Driscoll, Caitríona M.
O'Brien, Fergal J.
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Recent advances in tissue engineering have made progress toward the development of biomaterials capable of the delivery of growth factors, such as bone morphogenetic proteins, in order to promote enhanced tissue repair. However, controlling the release of these growth factors on demand and within the desired localized area is a significant challenge and the associated high costs and side effects of uncontrolled delivery have proven increasingly problematic in clinical orthopedics. Gene therapy may be a valuable tool to avoid the limitations of local delivery of growth factors. Following a series of setbacks in the 1990s, the field of gene therapy is now seeing improvements in safety and efficacy resulting in substantial clinical progress and a resurgence in confidence. Biomaterial scaffold‐mediated gene therapy provides a template for cell infiltration and tissue formation while promoting transfection of cells to engineer therapeutic proteins in a sustained but ultimately transient fashion. Additionally, scaffold‐mediated delivery of RNA‐based therapeutics can silence specific genes associated with orthopedic pathological states. This review will provide an overview of the current state‐of‐the‐art in the field of gene‐activated scaffolds and their use within orthopedic tissue engineering applications.
Biomaterials , Bone , Cartilage , Gene therapy , Orthopedic tissue engineering and repair
Kelly, D. C., Raftery, R. M., Curtin, C. M., O’Driscoll, C. M. and O’Brien, F. J. (2019) 'Scaffold-Based Delivery of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics for Enhanced Bone and Cartilage Repair', Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 37(8), pp. 1671-1680. doi: 10.1002/jor.24321
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© 2019 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: (2019), Scaffold‐Based Delivery of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics for Enhanced Bone and Cartilage Repair. J Orthop Res, 37: 1671-1680, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.