Designing attention-aware business intelligence and analytics dashboards
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Toreini, Peyman
Morana, Stefan
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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
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The design of user interface is known to influence the users’ attention while they are interacting with applications such as Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) dashboards. BI&A dashboards are considered as critical because they contain a lot of compressed information and managers only spend a little time to process the provided information. Thereby, they need to manage their visual attention properly due to inattentional blindness and change blindness issues. We propose to investigate the design of BI&A dashboards that are sensitive to the users’ attention. So called attention-aware BI&A dashboards are of utmost importance in the field of BI&A systems since attention is known to play a major role in constructing decisions. We motivate our research project and present the initial design of attention-aware BI&A dashboards. Especially the inclusion of eye-tracking technology is an important aspect of our proposed design.
Attention-aware , Eye-tracking devices , BI&A , Dashboards , Visual attention
Toreini, P. and Morana, S. 2017. 'Designing Attention-aware Business Intelligence and Analytics Dashboards'. In: Maedche, A., vom Brocke, J., Hevner, A. (eds.) Designing the Digital Transformation: DESRIST 2017 Research in Progress Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology. Karlsruhe, Germany. 30 May - 1 Jun. Karslruhe: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), pp. 64-72