EV specific time-of-use rates analysis for workplace charging
Accepted Version
Kucuksari, Sadik
Erdogan, Nuh
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
EV specific time-of-use rate plans have been recently introduced by several utilities to overcome the demand charge issue that is the main barrier impeding EV growth in the commercial and industrial sector. This study analyses two EV specific TOU rates in place from a customer and the grid perspectives. The analysis relies on a developed optimal cost model with coordinated charging strategies that minimizes the total cost of a workplace charging station over its lifetime. From a customer perspective, it is shown that the cost benefits are not always achievable and depends on the rates provided. From the grid perspective, the peak demand is found to be increased. Thus, the EV specific rates may not always provide an efficient use of the grid assets.
Demand charge , EVSE , Plug-in electric vehicles , Smart charging , Time-of-use tariff , Workplace charging
Kucuksari, S. and Erdogan, N. (2021) 'EV specific time-of-use rates analysis for workplace charging', 2021 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), Chicago, IL, USA, 21-25 June, pp. 783-788. doi: 10.1109/ITEC51675.2021.9490039
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