A regulated high negative voltage generator for single-photon avalanche photodiodes

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Deng, Shijie
Lewis, Liam
Morrison, Alan P.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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Research Projects
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In this work, a regulated high negative voltage generator for biasing single-photon avalanche photodiodes (SPAD) was developed. The circuit provides up to -70 V from a positive voltage source. This circuit allows users to control the negative output voltage using a positive voltage rail, thus eliminating the requirement of a negative voltage for the negative voltage control. This approach simplifies the setting of the output and facilitates integration in miniaturized photon counting systems. The testing on a fabricated PCB of this circuit show that the output voltage can be accurately controlled up to -70 V with ripples of less than 80 mV. A SPAD based experimental setup was also built and the experimental results show that the circuit is able to maintain a stable bias voltage for a planar SPAD at both low and high counting rates.
Negative voltage generator, , Negative voltage regulator, , Single photon avalanche photodiode , Voltage control , Generators , Photonics , Avalanche photodiodes , Regulators , MOSFET , Rails , Avalanche photodiodes , Photon counting , Printed circuits , Voltage control , Positive voltage source , Negative output voltage , Positive voltage rail , Negative voltage control , Miniaturized photon counting systems , Stable bias voltage , Regulated high negative voltage generator , PCB , Single-photon avalanche photodiodes
Deng, S., Lewis, L. and Morrison, A. P. (2017) 'A Regulated High Negative Voltage Generator for Single-Photon Avalanche Photodiodes'. 2017 New Generation of CAS (NGCAS), Genova, Italy, 6-9 September, pp. 161-164. doi: 10.1109/NGCAS.2017.24
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