Development of tungsten oxide nanoparticle modified carbon fibre cloth as flexible pH sensor
Published version
Jamal, Mamun
Razeeb, Kafil M.
Shao, Han
Islam, Jahidul
Akhter, Irani
Furukawa, Hidemitsu
Khosla, Ajit
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Springer Nature
Published Version
A reagent-less pH sensor based on disposable and low cost carbon fibre cloth (CFC) is demonstrated for the first time, where tungsten oxide nanoparticles were grown directly onto the CFC substrate. For comparison purpose, tungsten oxide nanoparticle modified glassy carbon electrode (GCE) was also fabricated as a pH sensor, where hydrothermally synthesized tungsten oxide nanoparticles were drop casted onto the GCE surface. The corresponding equilibrium potential using tungsten oxide/CFC as a pH sensor was measured using open circuit potential (OCP), and was found to be linear over the pH range of 3–10, with a sensitivity of 41.38 mVpH−1, and response time of 150 s. In the case of tungsten oxide/GCE as a pH sensor, square wave voltammetry (SWV) was used to measure the shifts in peak potential and was found to be linear with a pH range of 3–11, and a sensitivity of 60 mVpH−1 with a potential drift of 2.4–5.0% after 3 hour of continuous use. The advantages of tungsten oxide/CFC and tungsten oxide/GCE as pH sensing electrode have been directly compared with the commercial glass probe based electrode, and validated in real un-buffered samples. Thereby, tungsten oxide nanoparticles with good sensitivity and long term stability could be potentially implemented as a low cost and robust pH sensor in numerous applications for the Internet of Things (IoT).
Internet of Things (IoT) , pH sensor , Low cost carbon fibre cloth (CFC) , Tungsten oxide nanoparticles , Glassy carbon electrode (GCE)
Jamal, M., Razeeb, K.M., Shao, H., Islam, J., Akhter, I., Furukawa, H. and Khosla, A., 2019. Development of Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticle Modified Carbon Fibre Cloth as Flexible pH Sensor. Scientific reports, 9(1), (4659). DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-41331-w