Impact of analogue pre-filtering for spectral roll-off improvement in spectral efficient transmitter
Accepted Version
Kaur, Amandeep
Gunning, Fatima C. Garcia
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
Spectral shaping plays a significant role in enabling high spectral efficiency of optical transmission systems. However, most of the spectral shaping methods reported so far have remained very complex using digital processing techniques that requires a large number of filter taps for optimal performance. In this paper, we show how the spectral roll-off factor can be reduced using a wavelength selective switch (WSS) at the transmitter side. We discuss the impact and limitations when using this method. The study investigates the practicalities of WSS generated optical filters at transmitter side via VPI simulations, evaluating the performance in terms of receiver sensitivity and BER.
Error statistics , Optical communication equipment , Optical filters , Quadrature phase shift keying , Analogue pre-filtering , Spectral roll-off improvement , Spectral efficient transmitter , Spectral shaping plays , High spectral efficiency , Optical transmission systems , Digital processing techniques , Filter taps , Spectral roll-off factor , Wavelength selective switch , WSS , Transmitter side , Bandwidth , Optical fiber filters , Band-pass filters , Optical transmitters , Digital filters , Integrated optics , Nyquist-WDM , BER , Power penalty
Kaur, A. and Gunning, F. C. G. (2018) 'Impact of analogue pre-filtering for spectral roll-off improvement in spectral efficient transmitter', 20th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bucharest, Romania, 1-5 July. doi:10.1109/ICTON.2018.8473804
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