Effect of thermal treatment on serum protein reduced micellar casein concentrate: An evaluation of rennet coagulability, cheese composition and yield

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Xia, Xiaofeng
Tobin, John T.
Subhir, Surabhi
Fenelon, Mark A.
McSweeney, Paul L. H.
Sheehan, Jeremiah J.
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Elsevier B.V.
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Microfiltration at 0.10 μm removed ~70.29% of serum proteins from milk and the resultant micellar casein concentrates (MCC) were subjected to no heat treatment (control), pasteurisation (72 °C × 15 s) and high heat treatment (HHT; 90 °C × 15s) before formulation of cheese milk for Cheddar cheese manufacture. MCC showed good heat stability due to low serum protein content. For cheese milk of typical casein content, both pasteurisation and HHT did not significantly influence pH, calcium distribution and rennet coagulability, or subsequent cheese composition and yield; although HHT elongated cheese make time significantly. On increasing casein content from 3.09% to 4.31%, there was no significant difference for rennet to cut time between cheeses made from milk with different thermal histories and casein contents. Overall, HHT of MCC had no significant impact on cheese make properties, cheese composition and yield of Cheddar cheese.
Micellar casein concentrates , Cheddar cheese
Xia, X., Tobin, J. T., Subhira, S., Fenelon, M. A., McSweeney, P. L. H. and Sheehan, J. J. (2020) 'Effect of thermal treatment on serum protein reduced micellar casein concentrate: An evaluation of rennet coagulability, cheese composition and yield', International Dairy Journal, 114, 104902 (8pp). doi: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2020.104902
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