Carrier localization and in-situ annealing effect on quaternary Ga1-xInxAsySb1-y/GaAs quantum wells grown by Sb pre-deposition
Published Version
Thoma, Jiri
Liang, Baolai
Lewis, Liam
Hegarty, Stephen P.
Huyet, Guillaume
Huffaker, Diana L.
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AIP Publishing
Published Version
Using temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectroscopy, we have investigated and compared intrinsic InGaAs, intrinsic GaInAsSb, and p-i-n junction GaInAsSb quantum wells (QWs) embedded in GaAs barriers. Strong carrier localization inside the intrinsic GaInAsSb/GaAs QW has been observed together with its decrease inside the p-i-n sample. This is attributed to the effect of an in-situ annealing during the top p-doped AlGaAs layer growth at an elevated temperature of 580 degrees C, leading to Sb-atom diffusion and even atomic redistribution. High-resolution X-ray diffraction measurements and the decrease of both maximum localization energy and full delocalization temperature in the p-i-n QW sample further corroborated this conclusion. (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. (
Molecular-beam epitaxy , Optical-properties , Threshold-current , Band-gap , Lasers , Gainnas , Performance , Surfactant , Quantum wells , III-V semiconductors , Photoluminescence , Annealing , Cladding
Thoma, J., Liang, B., Lewis, L., Hegarty, S. P., Huyet, G. and Huffaker, D. L. (2013) 'Carrier localization and in-situ annealing effect on quaternary Ga1−xInxAsySb1−y/GaAs quantum wells grown by Sb pre-deposition', Applied Physics Letters, 102(11), pp. 113101. doi: 10.1063/1.4795866
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© 2013 American Institute of Physics.This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article appeared in Thoma, J., Liang, B., Lewis, L., Hegarty, S. P., Huyet, G. and Huffaker, D. L. (2013) 'Carrier localization and in-situ annealing effect on quaternary Ga1−xInxAsySb1−y/GaAs quantum wells grown by Sb pre-deposition', Applied Physics Letters, 102(11), pp. 113101 and may be found at