"It is much more real when it comes from them": The role of experts by experience in the integration of mental health nursing theory and practice

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10.1111 ppc.12496.pdf(345.68 KB)
Accepted Version
Happell, Brenda
Waks, Shifra
Horgan, Aine
Greaney, Sonya
Manning, Fionnuala
Goodwin, John
Bocking, Julia
Scholz, Brett
Hals, Elisabeth
Granerud, Arild
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Published Version
Research Projects
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Purpose: To examine nursing students' perceptions of Experts by Experience impact on theoretical and practical learning. Design and Methods: Qualitative exploratory study involving focus groups with undergraduate nursing students from five European countries and Australia. Data were analyzed thematically. Findings: Participants described positive impacts as:bridging the theory and practice gap through first-hand experience, including sub-themes:bringing theory to life; can't be taught any other way, and innovative teaching methods fueling curiosity. Relevance to Clinical Practice: Integrating theory and practice is key for quality mental health nursing practice. Experts by experience can potentially contribute to reducing this enduring gap.
COMMUNE , Consumer academic , Experts by Experience , Mental health , Mental health nursing , Theory-practice gap
Happell, B., Waks, S., Horgan, A., Greaney, S., Manning, F., Goodwin, J., Bocking, J., Scholz, B., Hals, E., Granerud, A., Doody, R., Platania-Phung, C., Griffin, M., Russell, S., MacGabhann, L., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., Browne, G., van der Vaart, K. J., Allon, J., Bjornsson, E., Ellilä, H., Lahti, M. and Biering, P. (2020) '"It is much more real when it comes from them": The role of experts by experience in the integration of mental health nursing theory and practice', Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 56(4), pp. 811-819. doi: 10.1111/ppc.12496
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© 2020, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This is the peer reviewed version of the following item: Happell, B., Waks, S., Horgan, A., Greaney, S., Manning, F., Goodwin, J., Bocking, J., Scholz, B., Hals, E., Granerud, A., Doody, R., Platania-Phung, C., Griffin, M., Russell, S., MacGabhann, L., Pulli, J., Vatula, A., Browne, G., van der Vaart, K. J., Allon, J., Bjornsson, E., Ellilä, H., Lahti, M. and Biering, P. (2020) '"It is much more real when it comes from them": The role of experts by experience in the integration of mental health nursing theory and practice', Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 56(4), pp. 811-819, doi: 10.1111/ppc.12496, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/ppc.12496. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.