A MPTCP-based RTT-aware packet delivery prioritisation algorithm in AR/VR scenarios
Silva, Fábio
Bogusevschi, Diana
Muntean, Gabriel-Miro
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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This work proposes, describes and performs performance analysis of a Round-Trip Time (RTT)-aware packet delivery prioritisation algorithm (RDPA) for networked Augmented Reality/Nirtual Reality (ARNR) content distribution. In this approach, the proposed algorithm uses the built-in multipath delivery feature of MPTCP. RDPA tracks, identifies and redirects the priority packets through the subflow that presents best opportunities to deliver the content with the lowest latency in the next transmission interval. This subflow selection is based on a linear regression that analyses each subflow behaviour and identifies the best subflow in terms of latency. The assessment of this algorithm is performed in a Network Simulator 3-based simulation environment and indicates performance improvements varying from 8% to 36% (peak performance) when compared with the MPTCP default operation.
AR/VR , MPTCP , Prioritised content delivery , RTT-aware algorithm
Silva, F., Bogusevschi, D. and Muntean, G.-M. (2018) 'A MPTCP-based RTT-aware packet delivery prioritisation algorithm in AR/VR scenarios', 2018 14th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Limassol, Cyprus, 25-29 June, pp. 95-100. doi: 10.1109/IWCMC.2018.8450524
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