An investigation of the effect of rapid slurry chilling on blown pack spoilage of vacuum-packaged beef primals
Accepted version
Reid, R.
Fanning, Séamus
Whyte, P.
Kerry, Joseph P.
Bolton, Declan
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The aim of this study was to investigate if rapid slurry chilling would retard or prevent blown pack spoilage (BPS) of vacuum-packaged beef primals. Beef primals were inoculated with Clostridium estertheticum subspp. estertheticum (DSMZ 8809), C. estertheticum subspp. laramenise (DSMZ 14864) and C. gasigenes (DSMZ 12272), and vacuum-packaged with and without heat shrinkage (90°C for 3 s). These packs were then subjected to immediate chilling in an ice slurry or using conventional blast chilling systems and stored at 2°C for up to 100 days. The onset and progress of BPS was monitored using the following scale; 0-no gas bubbles in drip; 1-gas bubbles in drip; 2-loss of vacuum; 3-‘blown’; 4-presence of sufficient gas inside the packs to produce pack distension and 5-tightly stretched, ‘overblown’ packs/packs leaking. Rapid slurry chilling (as compared to conventional chilling) did not significantly affect (P > 0.05) the time to the onset or progress of BPS. It was therefore concluded that rapid chilling of vacuum-packaged beef primals, using an ice slurry system, may not be used as a control intervention to prevent or retard blown pack spoilage. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study adds to our growing understanding of blown pack spoilage of vacuum-packaged beef primals and suggests that rapid chilling of vacuum-packaged beef primals is not a control option for the beef industry. The results suggest that neither eliminating the heat shrinkage step nor rapid chilling of vacuum-packaged beef retard the time to blown pack spoilage.
Beef , Blown pack spoilage , Clostridium estertheticum , Clostridium gasigenes , Rapid chilling , Spoilage
Reid, R., Fanning, S., Whyte, P., Kerry, J. and Bolton, D. (2017) 'An investigation of the effect of rapid slurry chilling on blown pack spoilage of vacuum-packaged beef primals', Letters in Applied Microbiology, 64(2), pp. 177-181. doi:10.1111/lam.12703
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© 2016 The Society for Applied Microbiology. Published by Wiley. This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: (2017), An investigation of the effect of rapid slurry chilling on blown pack spoilage of vacuum-packaged beef primals. Lett Appl Microbiol, 64: 177–181, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.