Probing intrinsic transport properties of single metal nanowires: Direct-write contact formation using a focused ion beam
Published Version
De Marzi, Gianluca
Iacopino, Daniela
Quinn, Aidan J.
Redmond, Gareth
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AIP Publishing
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The transport characteristics of 70-nm-diameter platinum nanowires (NWs), fabricated using a pore-templated electrodeposition process and individually contacted using a focused ion beam (FIB) method, are reported. This approach yields nanowire devices with low contact resistances (similar to400 Omega) and linear current-voltage characteristics for current densities up to 65 kA/cm(2). The intrinsic nanowire resistivity (33+/-5 muOmega cm) indicates significant contributions from surface- and grain-boundary scattering mechanisms. Fits to the temperature dependence of the intrinsic NW resistance confirm that grain-boundary scattering dominates surface scattering (by more than a factor of 2) at all temperatures. Our results demonstrate that FIB presents a rapid and flexible method for the formation of low-resistance ohmic contacts to individual metal nanowires, allowing intrinsic nanowire transport properties to be probed.
Insulator-transition , Conductivity , Platinum , Films , Scattering , Focused ion beam technology , Electrical resistivity , Nanowires , Surface scattering , Contact resistance
Marzi, G. D., Iacopino, D., Quinn, A. J. and Redmond, G. (2004) 'Probing intrinsic transport properties of single metal nanowires: Direct-write contact formation using a focused ion beam', Journal of Applied Physics, 96(6), pp. 3458-3462. doi: 10.1063/1.1779972
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© 2004 American Institute of Physics, This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. The following article appeared in Marzi, G. D., Iacopino, D., Quinn, A. J. and Redmond, G. (2004) 'Probing intrinsic transport properties of single metal nanowires: Direct-write contact formation using a focused ion beam', Journal of Applied Physics, 96(6), pp. 3458-3462 and may be found at