An ultrasonically-powered system for 1.06mm3 implantable optogenetics and drug delivery dust

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Laursen, Kjeld
Zamani, Milad
Rezaeiyan, Yasser
Hosseini, Seyedsina
Mondal, Tanmay
Corbett, Brian
Ouagazzal, Abdel Mouttalib
Amalric, Marianne
Moradi, Farshad
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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This paper presents an ultrasonically powered micro-system for deep tissue optogenetic stimulation. The developed system is composed of a Base for Powering and Controlling (BPC) and an implantable Dust for optogenetics and drug delivery. The Dust consists of a piezoelectric crystal, a rectifier chip, and a micro-scale custom-designed light-emitting-diode (μLED) integrated, miniaturized, and envisioned to be used for freely moving animal studies. The proposed Dust operates in frequencies up to 5 MHz, power levels in the 0–10 mW range, achieves start-up within 1.8 μs at 2.9 MHz operating frequency at 14.4 mW/mm2 ultrasound power density, and 98.1% chip efficiency at 2 mW input power. With the BPC implemented and attached to (500 μm)3 PZT4 crystals, set to 60 V at 2.8 MHz operating frequency at 3 mm distance in demineralized water, the dust delivered up to 6 mW to its load (μLED for optogenetics), which translates to 0.11% total system efficiency.
Dust , Optogenetic stimulation , Rectifier , Piezoelectric , Ultrasonic power transfer
Laursen, K., Zamani, M., Rezaeiyan, Y., Hosseini, S., Mondal, T., Corbett, B., Ouagazzal, A. M., Amalric, M. and Moradi, F. (2023) 'An ultrasonically-powered system for 1.06 mm3 implantable optogenetics and drug delivery dust', IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 70(10), pp, 3937-3941. doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2023.3289028
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