Small-signal model of the two-phase interleaved coupled-inductor boost converter
Accepted Version
Barry, Brendan C.
Hayes, John G.
Rylko, Marek S.
Stala, Robert
Penczek, Adam
Mondzik, Andrzej
Ryan, Robert T.
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
A coupled-inductor dc-dc converter has several modes of operation in continuous-conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous-conduction mode (DCM), and is quite complex. This paper presents the derivation of the complete small-signal model of a two-phase interleaved dc-dc boost converter utilizing a single-core coupled-inductor operating in both CCM and DCM. Several small-signal models are required to fully model the converter due to the complexity of the converter operating in DCM. The transfer functions are then derived from these small-signal models. The theoretical analysis is validated experimentally using frequency sweeps from a 1-kW prototype.
Inductors , Switches , Inductance , Mathematical model , Transfer functions , Capacitors , DC-DC power converters
Barry, B. C., Hayes, J. G., Rylko, M. S., Stala, R., Penczek, A., Mondzik, A. and Ryan, R. T. (2017) 'Small-signal model of the two-phase interleaved coupled-inductor boost converter', IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33(9), pp. 8052-8064. doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2017.2765920
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