Contactless electroreflectance study of the surface potential barrier in n-type and p-type InAlAs van Hoof structures lattice matched to InP
Accepted version
Tolloczko, Agata
Kopaczek, Jan
Szukiewicz, Rafal
Gocalińska, Agnieszka M.
Pelucchi, Emanuele
Hommel, Detlef
Kudrawiec, Robert
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IOP Publishing
Published Version
N-type and p-type In0.52Al0.48As van Hoof structures with various thicknesses of undoped In0.52Al0.48As layer (30, 60, 90, and 120 nm) were grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy on InP substrates and studied by contactless electroreflectance (CER) at room temperature. The InAlAs bandgap related CER resonance followed by a strong Franz-Keldysh oscillation (FKO) of various periods was observed clearly for the two structures. This period was decreased with the decrease of thickness of undoped In0.52Al0.48As layer and was slightly narrower for p-type structures. The FKO period analysis indicates that the Fermi level is pinned 0.730.02 eV below the conduction band at In0.52Al0.48As surface. This pinning was attributed to the surface reconstruction combined with the adsorption of oxygen and carbon atoms (consequence of air exposure) which were detected on the In0.52Al0.48As surface by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Also, CER measurements repeated one year after the sample growth shows that the process of InAlAs oxidation in laboratory ambient is negligible and therefore this alloy can be used as a protective cap layer in InP-based heterostructures.
van Hoof structures , Spectroscopy , X-ray photoelectron spectroscop , adsorption , Contactless electroreflectance , CER
Tolloczko, A., Kopaczek, J., Szukiewicz, R., Gocalinska, A., Pelucchi, E., Hommel, D. and Kudrawiec, R.(2018) 'Contactless electroreflectance study of the surface potential barrier in n-type and p-type InAlAs van Hoof structures lattice matched to InP', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, In Press, doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aabf6b