Context aware mobile cloud services: a user experience oriented middleware for mobile cloud computing

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O'Sullivan, Michael J.
Grigoras, Dan
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Existing research on implementing the mobile cloud computing paradigm is typically based on offloading demanding computation from mobile devices to cloud-based servers. A continuous, high quality connection to the cloud infrastructure is normally required, with frequent high-volume data transfer, which can have a detrimental impact on the user experience of the application or service. In this paper, the Context Aware Mobile Cloud Services (CAMCS) middleware is presented as a solution that can deliver an integrated user experience of the mobile cloud to users. Such an experience respects the resource limitations of the mobile device. This is achieved by the Cloud Personal Assistant (CPA), the user’s trusted representative within CAMCS, which completes user-assigned tasks using existing cloud-based services, with an asynchronous, disconnected approach. A thin client mobile application, the CAMCS Client, allows the mobile user to send descriptions of tasks to his/her CPA, and view task results saved at the CPA, when convenient. The design and implementation of the middleware is presented, along with results of experimental evaluation on Amazon EC2. The resource usage of the CAMCS client is also studied. Analysis shows that CAMCS delivers an integrated user experience of mobile cloud applications and services.
Mobile , Cloud , Middleware , Distributed system , Services , User experience
O'Sullivan, M. J. and Grigoras, D. (2016) "Context aware mobile cloud services: a user experience oriented middleware for mobile cloud computing", 4th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Cloud Computing, Services, and Engineering (MobileCloud). Oxford, United Kingdom, 29 March-1 April.
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