The Flynn effect in South Africa

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Murphy, Raegan
te Nijenhuis, Jan
van Eeden, Rene
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This is a study of secular score gains in South Africa. The findings are based on representative samples from datasets utilized in norm studies of popular mainstream intelligence batteries such as the WAIS as well as widely used test batteries which were locally developed and normed in South Africa. Flynn effects were computed in three ways. First, studies where two different groups take the same test, with several years in between, using representative or comparable samples were used. Second, studies where the same group takes two different test batteries at a specific time were used. Third, the score differences between English- and Afrikaans-speaking Whites in South Africa in the 20th century were compared. The Flynn effect in White groups in South Africa is somewhat smaller than the Flynn effect in Western, industrialized countries (total N = 6534), and the Flynn effect in Indian groups is substantially smaller (total N = 682). Non-verbal IQ scores surpassed increases in verbal IQ scores. The findings from English- and Afrikaans-speaking Whites evidence a leveling out of differences in score gains over the 20th century (total N = 79,310). A meta-regression analysis showed no clear support for the moderators a) method used for computing the Flynn effect gain, b) type of test battery, c) time span, d) quality of the sample, and e) average age of sample.
Flynn effect , Secular score gains , g , IQ tests , Intelligence , South Africa
TE NIJENHUIS, J., MURPHY, R. & VAN EEDEN, R. 2011. The Flynn effect in South Africa. Intelligence, 39, 456-467.
© 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. NOTICE: this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Intelligence. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Intelligence, Volume 39, Issue 6, November–December 2011, Pages 456–467