Semi-analytical method for the extraction of the system parameters in application to kinetic energy harvesters
Accepted Version
Sokolov, Andrii
Olszewski, Oskar Zbigniew
Houlihan, Ruth
Kennedy, Michael Peter
Blokhina, Elena
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Published Version
In this paper, we propose a technique to extract system parameters of nonlinear MEMS devices using a combination of model reduction and nonlinear optimization. The model is tested on a MEMS energy harvesting device employing magnetic actuation and piezoelectric energy conversion.
Energy harvesting , Magnetic actuators , Micromechanical devices , Optimisation , Piezoelectric transducers , Reduced order systems , Kinetic energy harvesters , Nonlinear MEMS devices , Model reduction , Nonlinear optimization , MEMS energy harvesting device , Magnetic actuation , Piezoelectric energy conversion , Semianalytical method , System parameter extraction , Nonlinear oscillators , Piezoelectric , Harmonic balance
Sokolov, A., Olszewski, O. Z., Houlihan, R., Kennedy, M. P. and Blokhina, E. (2019) 'Semi-analytical method for the extraction of the system parameters in application to kinetic energy harvesters', 2019 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP), Paris, France, 12-15 May. doi: 10.1109/DTIP.2019.8752798
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