Venous thromboembolism - risk assessment tool and thromboprophylaxis policy: a national survey
Khan, Muhammad Irfan
O'Leary, C.
Silvari, V.
O'Brien, Aisling
O'Connor, M.
Duggan, C.
O'Shea, S.
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Irish Medical Organisation
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Venous Thromboembolic (VTE) events in hospitalised patients are associated with significant mortality and morbidity and a major economic burden on the health service. It is well established in the literature that active implementation of a mandatory risk assessment tool and thromboprophylaxis policy reduces the incidence of hospital associated thrombosis (HAT). This study examines the utilization of a VTE risk assessment tool and thromboprophylaxis (TP) policy in Irish hospitals that manage acute admissions. A national survey was distributed to forty acute hospitals throughout Ireland. The response rate was 78% (31/40). The results showed that only 26% (n=8/31) of acute hospitals in Ireland have a local implemented TP policy. Six (75%) of these eight had a risk assessment tool in conjunction with the TP policy. All respondents who did not report to have a TP policy and risk assessment tool agreed that they should implement VTE prevention policy at their hospital. Based on the data from this survey and evidence from the effectiveness of the VTE prevention programme introduced in the United Kingdom, there is a need for a national risk assessment and thromboprophylaxis policy in Ireland. This change in practice would have the potential to prevent or reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with hospital acquired thrombosis.
Inpatient , Hospital admissions , Risk assessment , Thromboembolism
Khan, M. I., O’Leary, C., Silvari, V., O’Brien, A., O’Connor, M., Duggan, C. and O’Shea, S. (2017) ‘Venous thromboembolism – risk assessment tool and thromboprophylaxis policy: a national survey’, Irish Medical Journal, 110(1), 499 (7pp). doi:10147/621073
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