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Shaping future medicinal chemists: Perspectives from European schools of pharmacy within the GP2A Network
Bayraktar, Gülşah
Carro, Laura
Decker, Michael
Giuntini, Francesca
Helesbeux, Jean-Jacques
Marchand, Pascal
Matthews, Susan E.
McCarthy, Florence O.
Mistry, Shailesh N.
Moreira, Vânia M.
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American Chemical Society
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Training in medicinal chemistry at Schools of Pharmacy in Europe has undergone rapid change in the past 30 years. This editorial sets out to map the progression of change at our institutions and reflect on future teaching of the discipline. Across the European Union (EU), Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (amended June 2024) common legislation underpins the foundation of degrees in pharmacy. (1) These minimum training requirements specify that a pharmacist has acquired adequate knowledge of medicines and the substances used in the manufacture of medicines, pharmaceutical technology and the physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological testing of medicinal products, and the metabolism and effects of medicinal products. Annex V stipulates that courses of training for pharmacists must include general and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and pharmaceutical chemistry (including the analysis of medicinal products). Outside of the EU, other countries within Europe follow their own regulations, similar in content to Directive 2005/36/EC. Despite this directive and outwardly common approach, national landscapes and individual state regulation of pharmacy influence course structure, syllabus, and curriculum. Over the past 30 years, this has significantly impacted the teaching of medicinal chemistry in Schools of Pharmacy across Europe.
Medicinal chemistry , Education , Universal design for learning , Pharmacy
Bayraktar, G., Carro, L., Decker, M., Giuntini, F., Helesbeux, J. J., Marchand, P., Matthews, S. E., McCarthy, F. O., Mistry, S. N., Moreira, V. M. and O’Boyle, N. M. (2025) 'Shaping future medicinal chemists: Perspectives from European schools of pharmacy within the GP2A Network', Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.
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© 2025, American Chemical Society. This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry after technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see: