The unheard voices of adult adoptees: how it felt to be excluded from the Mother and Baby Home report

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Brady, Larah
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Community-Academic Research Links, University College Cork
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Research Projects
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The release of the report of the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and certain related matters (MBH Report) has sparked widespread criticism amongst adult adoptees due to the report’s portrayal of issues such as illegal and forced adoption practices in Ireland during the 20th century, and the narrow scope of the remit of the commission. The remit of the commission included 14 Mother and Baby Homes and 4 County Homes. As a result, adult adoptees who were born outside of these specified homes have been excluded from a process that directly impacts them. This CARL project sought to address two questions. First, what impact did the release of the MBH Report have on adult adoptees who were excluded from the remit of the commission? Second, what supports are needed for adult adoptees, and how should these supports be delivered? A total of 6 qualitative interviews were carried out online with adult adoptees. The main findings are that the release of the MBH Report led to feelings of anger, frustration and disappointment for adult adoptees who were excluded from the remit of the commission as it failed to acknowledge the extent of the intergenerational trauma and suffering that has been caused by closed adoption practices. The supports that are needed for adult adoptees include access to specialised counselling services, tracing supports, and the legal right to access original birth certificates and early life information.
Aitheantas , Adoptee rights , Mother and Baby Homes , Adult adoptees
Brady, L. (2022) The unheard voices of adult adoptees: how it felt to be excluded from the Mother and Baby Home report. Cork: Community-Academic Research Links, University College Cork.
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© 2022, Larah Brady.