Flexible and semi-transparent chipless RFID tag based on PDMS-conductive fabric composite

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Rather, Nadeem
Simorangkir, Roy B. V. B.
Buckley, John
O'Flynn, Brendan
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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This paper presents a 6-bit 25 mm×25 mm×0.4 mm chipless RFID tag based on square ring resonators. The tag is designed and developed using polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and conductive fabric composite, resulting in a flexible, semitransparent, and biocompatible chipless RFID tag, which is suitable for the unobtrusive modern wireless identification and monitoring systems. The tag data is decoded using the monostatic Radar Cross Section method. The tag design is validated with free-space measurements showing a good agreement with simulated results.
Chipless RFID , PDMS , Ring resonator , Radar cross section
Rather, N., Simorangkir, R. B. V. B., Buckley, J. and O'Flynn, B. (2022) 'Flexible and semi-transparent chipless RFID tag based on PDMS-conductive fabric composite', 2022 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 May. doi: 10.1109/iWAT54881.2022.9811001
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