A review of South African research in the field of dynamic assessment
Accepted Version
Murphy, Raegan
Maree, David J. F.
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Psychological Society of South Africa
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Dynamic assessment, which is often characterised by the learning potential approach across the world and in South Africa, is receiving more attention from educators and research practitioners alike. When compared to the status of international research, local dynamic assessment research can still be regarded as being in its infancy. A selection of studies conducted within this domain was analysed and the results carefully assessed in terms of positive and negative findings to serve as an indication of the trends that this discipline may face in South Africa.
The main findings indicate that although the field is still being researched today, there has been a decrease in the number of studies as well as a concomitant decrease in the implementation of dynamic research efforts. The reasons cited are a lack of time, costs, inefficiencies and also confusion as to what dynamic assessment entails. There is, as yet, no consistent definition of dynamic assessment in South Africa, which makes it all the harder to entrench dynamic assessment as a methodology and implement it on as wide a scale as possible.
Assessment , Dynamic assessment , Intelligence , Learning potential , Student selection
Murphy, R., & Maree, D.J.F; (2006) 'A review of South African research in the field of dynamic assessment'. South African Journal of Psychology, 36 (1):168-191.
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