The game of Chan - a cross-cultural analysis of the role of irony in the Blue Cliff Record

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Capra, Rudi
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University College Cork
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Research Projects
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The present study consists of a cross-cultural analysis of the role of irony in the Blue Cliff Record. The analysis is structured in four chapters, one devoted to methodological concerns and three to equivalent types and functions of irony within the text, a pivotal literary work of the Chan Buddhist tradition. In relation to Chan studies, a discussion of irony is particularly important since the wide corpus of Chan literature includes a significant number and a consistent variety of ironic features such as puns, wordplay, extravagant acts, and so forth. The idea of the present paper is that the ironic temperament of Chan is not a contingent circumstance, but a functional strategy purposely employed in textual compositions and oral communication with soteriological purposes.
Chan buddhism , Irony , Blue Cliff Record
Capra, R. 2019. The game of Chan - a cross-cultural analysis of the role of irony in the Blue Cliff Record. PhD Thesis, University College Cork.
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