Wilhelm Schapp and the standard theory of exchanges

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Salice, Alessandro
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This paper mines, contextualizes, and assesses Wilhelm Schapp’s neglected account of contracts of sale. This account is evaluated against the background of what Emma Tieffenbach and Olivier Massin label as the “Standard Theory of Exchanges [STE]” and the “Action Theory of Exchanges [ATE]” in their recent paper “The Metaphysics of Economic Exchanges” (Journal of Social Ontology, 2017). The first section of the present article introduces STE, its shortcomings, and ATE as a theory of exchanges, which is superior to STE. The second section systematically reconstructs Schapp’s own position. It does so by highlighting the credit Schapp’s position especially owes to Adolf Reinach’s phenomenology. Finally, the third section claims that Schapp’s theory remains largely untouched by the shortcomings that affect STE and that it can be considered as a precursor of ATE, since it shares important insights with that account.
Wilhelm Schapp , Adolf Reinach , Exchanges , Promises , Preferences
Salice, A. (2022) Wilhelm Schapp and the standard theory of exchanges, in Hopkins, B. C. and Drummond, J. J. (eds.) The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 132-150. doi: 10.4324/b23065-10
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© 2023, the Author. All rights reserved. This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in Hopkins, B. C. and Drummond, J. J. (eds.) The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.