Atomic nanolithography patterning of submicron features: writing an organic self-assembled monolayer with cold bright Cs atom beams

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Accepted Version
O'Dwyer, Colm
Gay, G.
Viaris de Lesegno, B.
Weiner, J.
Camposeo, A.
Tantussi, F.
Fuso, F.
Allegrini, M.
Arimondo, E.
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IOP Publishing
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Cs atom beams, transversely collimated and cooled, passing through material masks in the form of arrays of reactive-ion-etched hollow Si pyramidal tips and optical masks formed by intense standing light waves, write submicron features on self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Features with widths as narrow as 43 ± 6 nm and spatial resolution limited only by the grain boundaries of the substrate have been realized in SAMs of alkanethiols. The material masks write two-dimensional arrays of submicron holes; the optical masks result in parallel lines spaced by half the optical wavelength. Both types of feature are written to the substrate by exposure of the masked SAM to the Cs flux and a subsequent wet chemical etch. For the arrays of pyramidal tips, acting as passive shadow masks, the resolution and size of the resultant feature depends on the distance of the mask array from the SAM, an effect caused by the residual divergence of the Cs atom beam. The standing wave optical mask acts as an array of microlenses focusing the atom flux onto the substrate. Atom 'pencils' writing on SAMs have the potential to create arbitrary submicron figures in massively parallel arrays. The smallest features and highest resolutions were realized with SAMs grown on smooth, sputtered gold substrates.
Alcohols , Atomic beams , Cesium , Etching , Gold , Masks , Nanotechnology , Single crystals , Sputtering , Atom flux , Atomic nanolithography patterning , Optical diffraction limit , Self assembly
O'Dwyer, C., Gay, G., ,de Lesegno, B. V., Weiner, J., Camposeo, A., Tantussi, F., Fuso, F., Allegrini, M. and Arimondo, E. (2005) 'Atomic nanolithography patterning of submicron features: writing an organic self-assembled monolayer with cold bright Cs atom beams'. Nanotechnology, 16(9), 1536.
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