All-optical modulation converter for on-off keying to duobinary and alternate-mark inversion at 42.6 Gbps
Dailey, James M.
Power, Mark J.
Webb, Rod P.
Manning, Robert J.
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Advanced modulation formats have become increasingly important as telecoms engineers strive for improved tolerance to both linear and nonlinear fibre-based transmission impairments. Two important modulation schemes are Duobinary (DB) and Alternate-mark inversion (AMI) [1] where transmission enhancement results from auxiliary phase modulation. As advanced modulation formats displace Return-to-zero On-Off Keying (RZ-OOK), inter-modulation converters will become increasingly important. If the modulation conversion can be performed at high bitrates with a small number of operations per bit, then all-optical techniques may offer lower energy consumption compared to optical-electronic-optical approaches. In this paper we experimentally demonstrate an all-optical system incorporating a pair of hybrid-integrated semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) gates which translate RZ-OOK to RZ-DB or RZ-AMI at 42.6 Gbps. This scheme includes a wavelength conversion to arbitrary output wavelength and has potential for high-level photonic integration, scalability to higher bitrates, and should exhibit regenerative properties [2].
Duobinary , Alternate-mark inversion
DAILEY, J. M., POWER, M. J., WEBB, R. P. & MANNING, R. J. All-optical modulation converter for On-Off Keying to Duobinary and Alternate-mark inversion at 42.6 Gbps. In: Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC), 2011 Conference on and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference. Munich, Germany 22-26 May 2011. IEEE.
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