Multiple Intelligences, Curriculum and Assessment Project final report

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Hyland, Áine
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Education Department, University College Cork
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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The Multiple Intelligences, Curriculum and Assessment Project at University College Cork was a collaborative project carried out between 1995 and 1999. The key research question focused on whether Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences could be applied to, and enhance, aspects of curriculum and assessment at primary and second level in Ireland. The project involved educators from all levels and sectors and included an action research component, which involved over thirty teachers from primary and second level schools in the Cork region. It focused in particular on the subject Civic, Social and Political Education; on the interface between primary and second level and on Transition Year. The project also involved students enrolled in courses in the Education Department of UCC during the period, particularly student teachers on the Higher Diploma course in Education; teachers on the inservice Higher Diploma course in Curriculum Studies (CSPE); and teachers taking certain modules of the Masters in Education course.
Multiple Intelligences, Curriculum and Assessment Project , University College Cork , Curriculum and assessment , Primary and second level , Ireland
Hyland, Á. (ed.) (2000) Multiple Intelligences, Curriculum and Assessment Project final report, April 2000. Cork: Education Department, University College Cork, pp. 1-280.
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© 2000, the Editor.